Welcome to Farmasi Opportunity World
The Farmasi Opportunity Guide explains the different benefits you will encounter in your new journey with Farmasi. With our amazing opportunities, you will feel happy and beautiful with innovative products, financially successful with our highly-profitable compensation plan, free and flexible by becoming your own boss.
All around the world we are working hard to discover entrepreneurs and introduce them our wonderful opportunities. Up to date, Farmasi products have been sold in 125 countries in the form of traditional retail. But now our only focus is in Direct Selling. Farmasi has been extremely successful and and growing faster than never seen before in all the 25 we work within the direct selling industry.
You are Happy and Beautiful!
Farmasi has 70 years of experience Farmasi has 70 years of experience with innovation and product development. All of the products are formulated and developed in-house at our integrated factory. We recommend you to try and feel the difference. You will love it.
You are Earning!
Now you are part of a highly-profitable environment. Now you are part of a highly-profitable environment. Use it, Earn it! – Use the products you get with huge discounts and incentives. Recommend it, Earn it! –
Recommend the products you like and start earning unlimited income. Build up your Team/Downline, Earn it! – People who will see your earnings and high commissions will join your team. Then their network will see the results and join them. Eventually a huge team is built and your income potential is limitless!
You are Social and Flexible!
You are in a world of seminars, trainings and social events.
You are interacting with many people every single day. You are working hard to change their lives and make them happier. So learn and improve yourself. There are amazing holidays and travelling opportunities for you to explore the world. We will guide you how to achieve and climb up all steps. Then you will grow within your group and guide your group. There is no better feeling than touching people’s lives in such positive ways and build success stories. Always be proud of these stories
You will be using innovative products. You can choose your favorite products from a variety of different product groups.
You can introduce the benefits and opportunities of FARMASÄ° products anytime, anywhere and to anyone. Invite them to become part of this world of benefits.

There is not a specific time to introduce the benefits of FARMASÄ°. Every moment is a new opportunity for you to raise your earnings. As life goes
on, the opportunities continue as well along with new opportunities.
: There is not a specific place to introduce the benefits of FARMASÄ°: in the park, in the grocery store, in the restaurant, in the coffee house, in
the movie theatre, during the match, in the school, in the bus, in the metro… Your potential entrepreneurs are waiting for you everywhere in order to beautify themselves and from you any earning opportunity.
You can introduce the benefits of FARMASÄ° to anyone at any age. With more than 2,000 varieties of products, FARMASÄ° keeps your opportunities
to benefit constantly growingSELL IT!
You should absolutely share and explain what, when and how you achieved it with FARMASÄ°. Each social environment face-to-face, on phone, on social media, in the park, in the garden, in the shopping malls, in the restaurant, in the theatre, in the bus, during the match, in the school- is an opportunity to start communication with other people.
Follow up with your customers. Ask them for their feedback about the products and the service they get. Follow up with them with new products. Help them to
Personal Volume (PV)
The points that you accumulate from your personal sales to customers and personal purchases.
Group Volume (GV)
The bonus you get from your first line, entrepreneurs whom you personally sponsor.
Retail Margin
The discount that you get from the catalogue price.
Personal Bonus
It is the bonus that you get from your personal sales.
Group Bonus
The entrepreneur’s assigned level according to their group volume.
Bonus Level
The entrepreneur’s assigned level according to their group volume.
Leadership Bonus
The bonus you get from different generations when you expand your team.
Side Points
Points you accumulate from the smaller entrepreneurs in your first generation,whom you directly sponsor.
Car Allowance
The entrepreneurs that you receive for using your own car to improve your business
The entrepreneurs that you or your recruits recruited. In other words, the entrepreneurs in your group
The categorizing term used to differentiate your direct recriuits from their recruits and other's recruits.Your direct recruits are your 1st gereration.Their recruits are your 2nd generation.
The different nicknames you get after achieving 25% bonus level. These titles change depending on the number of recruits that have achieved the 25% bonus level in your 1st generation.
Title Points
The points that you earn from your 1st generation, depending on each entrepreneur’s title, whom you personally sponsor.
Downline Volume
The accumulation of personal points from your downline.
Front Line
Beauty influencer in your 1st generation.

Starter Kit & Welcome Product Pack
When you sign up to become a Farmasi beauty consultant, you will have the chance to purchase the welcome kit. This kit includes many products and brochures for new recruits. Not only is it a very helpful sales tool, but it also gives you very discounted prices on our products.
Welcome Program
When you sign up for Farmasi, the first 4 months are very important. These are the most important steps in your new career. If you successfully develop yourself during these initial 4 months, we believe that you will continue growing your team and become successful. That’s why we will support you during these 4 months. If you accumulate 200 personal points in each of your first 4 months, you will get the following products for free. Welcome Program works as calendar month. For instance, if you join Farmasi 15th of the month, you have time until the end of the month.
* All of the products in our products are subject to change depending on stocks.
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